Рівень складності тесту: середній (Intermediate). У кожному питанні виберіть правильний варіант відповіді. My father ___ very busy last week. are is were was What does "TV" mean? Television. For one hour. Yes, I do. On Friday. We ___ baseball next Saturday. will play playing plays played ___ your father taller than you? Is Are Am Does My younger brother ___ dinner last night. cook cooks cooked cooking Are you ___ at the moon? look looks looking looked When was the last time you took a picture? Seven pictures. A picture of Jane. With my camera. About four days ago. Where can I buy beer? When you are twenty years old. About two bottles. With Jane. At a liquor store. I will ___ up at five tomorrow. gets get got getting How many hours a day do you watch TV? On Tuesday. I watch the news. About two hours. In my living room. Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.