Рівень складності тесту: середній (Intermediate). У кожному питанні виберіть правильний варіант відповіді. It's snowing a lot, ___ the roads aren't icy yet. if or nor but You can come with me ___ you promise to behave yourself while I shop. so if and or Neither one of the boys admitted to breaking the window. I didn't see who did it because I was watching TV ___ I heard the glass break. when if or since Mills' drug store is open late, ___ I went to that one last night. while if so or The band plays on Fridays ___ Saturdays. yet for and so Not only does Rose work two jobs, ___ she also volunteers at the police station twice a week. if or but until I felt sick, ___ I went home for the day. so if or nor I'm learning French ___ it's really difficult. and before nor or Not only did the boss fire Scott, the best employee, ___ he also sacked the entire department. but and or if I needed your assistance, ___ you were too busy to help me. but if nor until Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.