Правило: артикль.

Заповніть пропуски в реченнях артиклями (a, an, the). Якщо артикль не потрібно, залиште пропуск порожнім.

1. " catalogue's small, but useful." "Yes, it's useful catalogue."

2. "Excuse me, is hospital in this road?" "No. Cross road, then turn to left and then to right." "Thanks lot."

3. This is letter from old friend. He's got very difficult surname.

4. There is sofa in corner of room.

5. There is new school at corner of our street.

6. When bell rang, pupils went into classroom.

7.  lamp is on table.

8. Is there lamp on table?

9.  English is world language.

10. David is best student in out class.