Правило: прийменники.

В кожному реченні напишіть відповідні за змістом прийменники.
Наприклад: He doesn't work ___ Sundays. – He doesn't work on Sundays.

1. "Could I speak Mr Davies, please?" "I'm sorry, Mr Davies is still a visit France."

2. Could you phone me the first March 10 a.m.?

3. Sometimes it's difficult me to get up early enough to be time my morning class.

4. This is a very important letter London. Have a look it.

5. Many German firms do business Russia.

6. David isn't holiday. He's Spain business.

7. let's meet five. Only don't be late.

8. "His plane's 7 p.m." "No, it's 7 a.m."

9. "Is Jane still college?" "Yes, she's a technical college London."

10. jack's got a job an office in Leeds.