Із запропонованих варіантів в кожному питанні виберіть той, який ближче всього за змістом підходить до виділеного жирним шрифтом ділянці дечення. So, George... Have you made up your mind where you want to go for your internship? decided conjured up told your mom postponed Charity made a scene at the club when she saw her boyfriend dancing with another girl. played a role had a fight hid herself acted like a fool My only advice to Charlie was to keep his chin up and stop worrying. try to hold his head straight try to be optimistic try not to look on the ground try to remain uptight Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape. fit weatlhy clever slow I shouldn't go outside without a raincoat because it's raining cats and dogs. it's just started to rain it's going to rain it's raining very heavily it's raining a little If you don't tell the children the difference between right and wrong, they will soon be out of control. well behaved badly behaved suddenly behaved quickly behaved No matter how smoothly things are running, you can always rely on Charlie to rock the boat. spoil something spoil anything spoil everything spoil nothing If you think I'm going to parachute out of a plane for fun, you must be out of your mind. mad unsure unusual uncertain Ana finally made it. She is an excellent doctor. failed receded succeeded blew it Yes, we went away on holiday last week but it rained day in, day out. every single day every other day every second day every two days Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.