Із запропонованих варіантів в кожному питанні виберіть той, який ближче всього за змістом підходить до виділеного жирним шрифтом ділянці дечення.


I shouldn't go outside without a raincoat because it's raining cats and dogs.

The beginning of a new generation of computer software is at hand.

So, George... Have you made up your mind where you want to go for your internship?

Since she won the lottery last week she's been feeling on top of the world.

I've been working hard for the last few months trying to make ends meet, but something I'm not even expecting always comes up and I have to pay for it.

When the business folded, he took the lion's share of the assets.

Learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with International Business.

I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Now it makes sense to me why you moved out of that house.

If you think I'm going to parachute out of a plane for fun, you must be out of your mind.