Із запропонованих варіантів в кожному питанні виберіть той, який ближче всього за змістом підходить до виділеного жирним шрифтом ділянці речення.

Tom has lost a lot of weight so something must be worrying him.

He lost control of himself suddenly when he heard the news.

You shouldn't waste his time or he is going to get angry one of these days.

Things are a little unsure right now. I can't give you a firm answer.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand.

I don't want to stay in this dirty, smelly place.

I can't believe he put salt in the sugar basin. He's such a stupid person.

There is no problem and it doesn't matter.

Where's the alcohol kept around here?

Wasn't that a really obscene movie?