Із запропонованих варіантів в кожному питанні виберіть той, який ближче всього за змістом підходить до виділеного жирним шрифтом ділянці дечення. As she is new to the job I would ask you to keep an eye on her for the time being. look at consider check observe What I really have in mind is a garden where there is very little to look after throughout the year. think believe visualize consider Forget it, that's water under the bridge now. best forgotten best learnt best understood best remembered If I had a chance to go to Paris, I would make the most of it. be satisfied with take great advantage of go there as soon as possible drawback from I need to come to terms with myself. have a dialogue discuss stop disappointing objectively and entirely confron You'll just have to make a decision. You can't have it both ways. benefit by cancelling two vertic benefit by agreeing to two oppos benefit by agreeing to two simil benefit by agreeing to two avera Learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with International Business. tossed from one hand to another in different directions individually together I think the time has now come when we'll simply have to call it a day. stop trying stop thinking stop working stop going I take my hat off to all those people who worked hard to get the contract. respect encourage congratulate welcome I can't understand why he doesn't take the hint. understand the point understand the speech understand the words understand the talk Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.