Правило: правильні та неправильні дієслова. Рівень складності тесту: середній (Intermediate). У кожному питанні виберіть правильний варіант відповіді. Mr. Benson ___ you wanted to see me. Can we meet in an hour, because I'm really busy right now? say said saying I ___ you should quit your job and find a career that you enjoy. think thinks thought Carrie has to ___ with a lot of issues at work because her boss is often ruthless. dealt deals deal The little boy, who was scared of Santa Claus, ___ to his mother's arm when he saw the man in the red suit for the first time. clings clung cling My puppy ___ a huge hole in the backyard last night. Today, we have to fill the hole because it doesn't look good. dig digging dug Currently, Brady ___ every morning. He's in really good shape and he's very dedicated. swam swims swim Carrie has a stressful job and she always has a lot of work to ___ on the weekends do does did Kathy ___ how to change the oil in her car last weekend. learn learned learning Samantha ___ her promise, so her sister doesn't trust her as much anymore. break broken broke The armed robber ___ three thousand dollars from the West Valley Bank last Monday. stolen steal stole Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.