Правило: дієслово. Рівень складності тесту: початковий (Elementary). У кожному питанні виберіть правильний варіант відповіді. Walter ___ fly to Rome, he flies to Venice. do don't does doesn't He ___ forget anything. do don't does doesn't My mother likes chocolate, but she ___ like biscuits. do don't does doesn't ___ Mr Smith teach English? Do Don't Does Doesn't Mr Nelson speaks Spanish, but he ___ speak German. do don't does doesn't Dogs love bones, but they ___ love cheese. do don't does doesn't ___ the children learn to cook at school? Do Don't Does Doesn't Where ___ your grandparents live? do don't does doesn't When ___ the first lesson start? do don't does doesn't Lynn's father watches badminton on TV, but he ___ watch judo. do don't does doesn't Перевірити Якщо ви знайшли помилку, видiлiть її мишкою та натисніть Ctrl+Enter.