Нижче наведено приклад супровідного листа, складеного з урахуванням особливостей американського англійського. Правила складання супровідного листа описані в попередніх розділах.

December 1, 2009

Hudson Way 14
tel. 01458 783460

Fitness Space
Pond Road

Dear Mr. Fish:
Re: Fitness Instructor Vacancy
I am writing to apply for the job of Fitness Instructor, as advertised in monday's Courier newspaper. This is an ideal job for me given my enthusiasm for sport, my related experience and qualifications.
Sport and fitness training have always been important to me, which is why I chose to take a BTEC Diploma in Sports Science. I obtained distinctions in the Sports Anatomy & Physiology and Sports Injuries modules last year and am confident that I will get similar marks Exercise in Physiology, Mechanics of Sport and Sports Supervision & Management this year. I am a confident user of Microsoft Office and have worked extensively Fitness with Line, a program for analyzing fitness.
As you can see from my CV, i've taken the opportunity to gain extra qualifications that were on offer at college, which has helped me get part-time work as a pool attendant. I'm called on to provide cover during busy times so am used to working irregular hours at short notice. I've also run a lunchtime aerobics class at college since the start of this year.
I finish college in six weeks and am keen to find a job rather than carry on with further full-time study. I could start any part time work or training sooner as many of my classes are finishing and most of my assignments are done. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Joanne Titmus